Monday, August 27, 2007

Low Go

not too motivated to blog lately, which may better in the long run. the ankle is pretty bad still, but i never got pics. went to the athletic trainer this afternoon and he check me out. 2nd-level sprain and i need rest and more ice to reduce swelling. 2 other coaches, plus the trainer, told me to immerse my whole foot in a bucket of ice water, and keep it there for 20min. i did that when i got home, or that is to say i did that for as long as i could deal, which was shorter than 20min. quite honestly, that hurt more than the friggin' sprain. damn, you could use that for some kind of anti-commie/Taliban/Republican torture.

otherwise, it's still hot there. not change so far except this a.m. was slightly cooler. i'm feeling fat b/c i haven't gotten a workout in more than a week, although it feels longer. i don't imagine i'll be o n the bike until at least September. you're pretty limited cardiovascularly when you can't move the feet. guess i need to seek out one of those are/bike things.

'Sheryl' got her bike stolen from her backyard, with the rogue perp scaling an 8ft wooden security fence to get her modest Trek. after deliberating with John from Onyourleft, she decided on a KHS 'urban' bike.
I can think of quite a few bikes i would buy over this, but if it works for her. she's plying it with a rack and fenders. it should be lighter and racier than her granny Trek, but i wonder how she'll do with a more bent-over position.

i've been following lots of futbol the past few weeks. saw parts of ValenciavVillareal, L'poolvSunderland, ArsenalvManCity, ManUvTottenhamSpurs, & BayernMunichvHannover96. you don't notice, but i do that there is no RealvAtletico nor BarcavRacing listed here. there was some kind of fracas in Spain over TV rights, so no La Liga, or at least with the 2 big clubs. Oh, i forgot SevillavGetafe. The most memorable of the weekend was watching Puerta of Sevilla collapse on the field. I made L turn his face while Puerta was writhing on the ground and then his teammates trying to pull his tongue out of his throat. he apparently has had 2 cardiac arrests and is still in critical condition. i've never seen anything quite like it in sports. he just stopped, bent over, fell and convulsed. Scary as hell.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I just read that the guy died -- he suffered cardiac arrest, was able to walk off the field, but his condition worsened in the hospital over the weekend. I wonder if he had some congenital heart defect...

How's your ankle now? Those kind of injuries are the worst -- both my mom and my husband suffered bad ankle sprains.


LvilleTex said...

Not much better. I can walk, but I'm still splinted and I've had to soak it in a bucket of ice water the last 3 days. Sucks getting old(er).

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