Date: Oct 19 Fri
Mileage: 18 (LHT)
October mileage: 272
Year to date: 1873
Temps: 67 a.m./64 p.m. overcast
ipod: Urbandharma Loyola Marymount class #2/2
A non-descript but but really pleasant commute on all accounts today. I started groggily, for a while thinking it was going to be "one of those days". The legs started to loosen a bit, and I chose to listen to the ipod and the urbandharma podcast. Reverend Kusala always puts me in a good mood- plain talk from a plain, real person. Yes, work/school is always a bit challenging on Fridays, but I persevered like the rest of my brethren out there. The afternoon held the interesting experience of "puppet show". L has been attending puppets after school and today was the final production, and what a production it was. Imagine 5-9 yrs.-old performing black screen puppet show skits, with the youngers making NO sense whatsoever. The puppet organizer was quite game, and kept the narration and action moving with such utterances as that listed in the title.
After the show, I looped over to the Beargrass Trail and then through Cherokee. And a strange day to boot too, with the temp in the p.m. cooler than this morning's. Mid-60s, for me, are those exact temps hard to dress for, neither warm enough with something else, but with something else too stuffy. Oh, and more soccer this weekend. Surprise!
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