Date: Nov 13 Tues
Mileage: 53 (LHT)- 8m a.m/45m p.m.
November mileage: 157
Year to date: 2201
It's too late and too much going on to fill in on the big adventure today. I didn't have a camera, but it would be impossible to duplicate the mist, fog and rain that enveloped everything today. Needless to say I set a personal record for commuting miles in a single day, 53!, with the bulk coming from a 45m epic this afternoon. It had it all, intrigue, lost things, SwissCakeRolls, new paths, new terrain, new experiences in the dark night on the LHT commuter special. Great stuff except for lost things. I'm reriding part of my route tomorrow to see if I can find the lost thing. Otherwise, that $300 will hurt. Hope the good wife doesn't see this until after I look tomorrow.
I am going to take some pics tomorrow and do a thorough report. Big Day, and thanks to those other bloggers out there for the inspiration to push the limits and seek new experiences.
1 comment:
Holy smokes...a 53 mile day!!
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