Friday, November 09, 2007


Date: Nov 9 Fri
Mileage: 11 (9.2.5.)
November mileage: 72
Year to date: 2120

While it wasn't a mega-mileage day, I had a great commute none-the-less. This afternoon, Z had a program after school, but L did not. Therefore, it would either take 2 different trips from the good wife, or I would have to come to the rescue, which I did. As I have 1 other time, I rode down to school to meet L at 2.45ish, which is his "escape" time. We then waited for the 21 Chesnut/Bashford bus, which comes by shortly after school. Then, L and I rode the 21 home to be let off quite close to our house. The good wife prefers that not too many details be used about boy issues, but this is enough to get the pic. Picked up quite close to the departure and only 10min of waiting, and let off just a hope/skip/jump. No, I didn't get big miles in, but I wouldn't trade those for a great, peaceful ride home with L, dad and son time. And fortuitously, I first lost my helmet mirror only to have it found on the bus floor by an elderly woman. I have a cold, or at least that nagging sore back-of-throat, so this week has been very low-key. I'd rather sleep than ride, but it was 48F this morning and 60F and sunny this afternoon, so a good day. Oh, and I commuted in on the fixie, using the Wald basket to haul crap. It's a great setup. Once I put the bike on the bus carrier I just lifted (well, actually before) the basket and took it with me on the bus.

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