Date: Jan 8 Wed
Mileage: 16.5 (LHT)
January mileage: 78
Year to date: 78
Temps were a little cooler this morning, so I traded the shorts for some tights, well, with shorts. I also used the heavier wool for the 45F morning. 'BB' didn't get up in time, so I was on my own and redirected through Cherokee. As I climbed 'Dog Hill' in Cherokee- my fav ?What is the state of being? locale in the area- I found that I just didn't have any legs. I think it's the transition to 5.15 mornings after the sloth of the holidays. The afternoon proved a bit more social. First I ran into 'Sheryl' on the way out, so we rode towards the neighborhood bitching about all the crap about our jobs. Doesn't everybody do that? More strangely, as I turned onto Cherokee Pkwy from Highland I saw a day-glo figure up in front and to my surprise, I recognized 'BB'. Apparently she had dropped her car off with a goofy radiator, and was traveling home via the 2-wheeled beast. It made the return trip home a bit more bearable after a tiring, defeatist day. Tomorrow some rain maybe, but that just means the rain jacket.
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