Monday, February 11, 2008


(gotta love the snow beard)

We have about 4" on the ground with plenty more on the radar. There's a question as to whether it'll remain snow or move to sleet and freezing rain. Strangely, the good wife, L and I were outside futzing about when the sleet started. 15min later it had changed back to snow. I shoveled the front walk and part of the driveway. I remember from my kid years that I HATE shoveling packed down tire tracks, so I decided to be proactive and nip 'dat shit in the bud.

My mom's bunko was canceled so she invited us over for soup and nibbles. I took the opportunity to ride to her house on the Monocog. Both to and fro were near perfect mini-rides (2 miles each way). Going there I listened to the pineful, ethereal strains of Sigur Ros. Damn what a great band for a dark, snowy night. Coming home there were another 4 or more inches on the ground. Traction wasn't great, and sometimes I had to work for a good line, but damn, big fat, voluminous flakes pounding me in the face, filling my beard, blanketing me quite literally in a volley of flakes. It really doesn't get any better. Tomorrow should hold a great day for sledding and a more ambitious snow ride. Good for us! And Peace to you.

Date: Feb 11 Mon
Mileage: 4 (Redline Monocog)
February mileage: 102
Year to date: 372

1 comment:

Frostbike said...

Snow day! Good for you for riding in it!

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