Tuesday, March 18, 2008


While I find myself looking at the rain and wondering about my iffy health (I got an appt for 4/2 today.), by happenstance I found the cross-country journal of Jeff Lee. Actually, to clarify I found mention of Jeff on the blog dedicated to my wife's hometown. He has some excellent mid-summer Kentucky pics (since disappeared from this version. The Html is still there). Vicarious living is empty, but damn it makes me want to hit the road more than ever, more than tennis, more than home renovation, certainly more than work or heart arrhythmia.

This is (was) indicative of much of the terrain of central KY- rolling, fields and forests, lots of sky when it's not too sticky. (I've now inserted a pic from my Shakertown ride)- Lots of small farms and "ranchettes". Don't you think everybody thinks their terrain is the best? Maybe I'll get off my fat ass and getting my arrhythmic ticker going this summer when the dread tennis is over. What a waste of time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I can't see those pics. I see all your other pics just fine. Maybe it's a formatting thing?

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