Thursday, September 25, 2008

SS Commute

Date: September 25 Thurs
Weather: 83F sunny again. Other than a 1-day wind storm we've had the same weather for 2 weeks straight, with another week to come
Mileage: 16.5
September mileage: 302.5
Year to date: 2069.5

An out-and-back commute today via Millvale, Cherokee, Cherokee Pkwy and Grinstead/Winter. I had a blissful golfcoursehill scene today, with a very clear crescent moon dangling to the E while Orion, Sirius (and the Hare), Tauras, Gemini and the Pleiadies floating in a dark blue sky. It's wonderful to get such clear skies in our smog-infested city. Today's was the first single speed commute on the Trek. I've made some modifications- well, had them made- to have the Trek 400Elance as a single-speed commute: fenders, 30c tyres, seatpost rack w/1 pannier, oldbecomesnew Niterider TrailRat. It went great today, only to find a substantial headwind in the p.m. Guess I wasn't so strong as I thought in the a.m.


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