Thursday, October 23, 2008


After Monday's effusive enthusiasm for getting in the pedaling "zone", my zone came a-tumblin' down just he same night. Out of nowhere, around 10ish, a great virus descended upon my body rendering me incapable of anything save bitching and moaning. Since then I've dealt with a deep chest hack, a painful hack, with the required stuffy nose, soreness, foggy mind and, again, inability to be in the least bit productive. I haven't missed work, but should've yesterday after a rotten night's sleep. Today I feel marginally better, but still about a 2/10. Yuck. I won't be reaching 400m this month unless I have an amazing week next week, and I know I have activities all this weekend (soccer, but only 1 more tournament). I can't imagine how folks like reflectorcollector do it. It took a full-on 't-boning' to keep him off the bike. Does he not get nasty chest colds/viruses? I'm thinking about Sunday as a goal for the next bike ride, but really it just sounds painful right now.

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