Sunday, November 23, 2008

Just Grinnin'

Date: Nov 23 Sun
Weather: 50F!!
Mileage: 34
November mileage: 457
Year to date: 2930

I had the good fortune to go out on a Sunday afternoon jaunt with Lithodale, now known as LithoBeast. He escaped the kids and I took care of Sunday a.m. churching to use our quite fortuitous 50F temps to get the miles in. I'm sure LithoBeast enjoys it b/c it's out of the confines of his lunchtime schedule, and I am certainly happy to mile on more miles in search of the 3,000 benchmark I'd like to reach. After a spirited SS ride yesterday, I needed to take a casual- read not difficult- route for today's jaunt. Given that LB doesn't have too much experience in the 'Ville on 2 wheels, I get very nice leeway choosing our paths. For today I thought to go on an easy, familiar ride along the Riverwalk, eventually completing the Big Riverwalk Loop. Because we were both enjoying ourselves so, we did Algoinquin, the Riverwalk, and then extended up River Rd. to Indian Hills and home via Seneca. The two overwhelming observations are first, that we both had stupid grins on our face the whole time. How couldn't we? The temps had been miserable the last two weeks, but today blessed us with 50F and blue, blue skies. Secondly was that I felt the effort, a good effort, in the legs. Both the BR and the CC are out of commission with spoke issues, so today's ride fell to the Bleriot. Mind you, LB has the RB-1, so I had actually run out of "tempo" bikes. I love the Bleriot, but a speed bike it ain't. It vindicated itself nicely today, but I'll have to have a "fast" bike ready to ride with LithoBeast, b/c I need all the tempo help I can get. Any complaints aside, it was an excellent day all round.

The bday unveiling, a new Baggins Bar Bag. This one will have permanent residence on the front of the Bleriot, to go with the Banana Bag in the bag. (dark pic sorta stinks)

Shawnee Park in a pleasant late November splendor.

LithoBeast adjusting helment. If he ever gets a bike that actually fits and some gear I might not be able to hang anymore. He's a great ride conversationalist, though.

Bleriot next to trashcan. Pretty lame camera work if you ask me.

LithoDale on up Indian Hills Rd. He was nice enough to wait for me admidst my waning legs.

1 comment:

Apertome said...

The handlebar bag looks fantastic. Great choice! That Bleriot is a sweet ride, I am envious.

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