QB roll out

I took what I would consider to be the first "real" QB ride yesterday, doing 19m putzing around east Louisville.  The route took me on the behind the zoo trail, through and up the Creason hill, across to Audobon Pk and then down through G'town.  From thereI took Logan to Mellwood to connect with the Beargrass Trail, then through Cherokee and up Millvale to home.  As for ride observations, the foremost that comes to mind is quiet.  I don't know if every Sunday evening at 8.00 is as such, but last night was almost tranquil, subdued, lacking in traffic, noise, thumpin' music, screaming children and such.  It was just a calm ride devoid of drama, the best kind.

As for the QB, after a solid 19 a few things come better into view:
  • I'm struggling with whether the frame is a bit big or not.  Yet again I read the 'gospel' which asserts that I'm on target with the 58cm.  It just feels pretty big.
  • I'm thinking a long-term solution may be a shorter stem, but maybe not.  The more distance I rode last night the more the general sizing didn't really affect me. 
  • Haven't measured my seat height yet, nor have I put it to an official I/Grant/Greg/Fitkit formula, but after about 1/2 ride, I lowered my seat a bit.  I had experience some underwear-up-crotch discomfort on the first part of the ride, granted my underwear/short combo wasn't designed for long distances, only a quickie.  But I was uncomfortable.  After the adjustment I was much better.  Fact is, after the saddle adjustment I thought much less of incorrect frame size.
  • The QB handles like a dream, and I mean it.  It is just so solid, but on descents, in the corners and in tracking straight and true.  I'm very pleased with the feel and the confidence.
  • I've yet to change onto the smaller ring.  My ride last night was a flat one, with only the Creason climb and the Millvale/Cherokee climb to test my climbing on the one ring.  At some point I'll force myself to make the switch, but not yet.
  • RBW Jack Browns, so far, are a very nice tire- solid, plump, corners well.  I haven't really pushed them, but the long-term is promising.
It's raining this morning, so I'm not willing to give the new QB a next go-round in the rain, so more to come on  the new mount.  Today's rain will provide opportunity to get on the Blueridge or the old Trek (presently with flat tire) for some fender riding.


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