Monday, March 01, 2010


Nothing much except a nice commute today on the Ute. It was a toughie as I left at 6.15a.m. and got home at 7.15a.m. That makes for a long day, but doesn't it for everybody. Tomorrow I have a release day for NBPTS and I'm gonna take a pic of the Ute doing a little cargo load. Below we have a few more things to note:

Crosscheck in new monstercross mode. I like the ugly green bar tape; it matches the green of the tubing sticker on the seatpost tube. Notice, too, the reentry of the moustache bars and the new Firecross 45c. Those are ridiculous, fat tires.

Aside my glove, this is an attractive view of a very dead rat I saw in my Sunday ride in Cherokee Park. Yummy!

QB, silky smooth


Steve A said...

With all due respect, how does one shift gears on that QB?

Pondero said...

I'm still nursing a little QB envy down here in Texas. Every shot you post shows just the right proportions. Silky smooth, eh? Awesome!

LvilleTex said...

Steve- stop. release rear wheel. move chain. reposition and retighten rear wheel. Wanna know the honest truth? I've only changed once, and to not that great an effect. I think the chain needs to lose a link or two, but it's geared to traverse most of what we have around here.

Chris- sorry. it's great. best handling bike I own. for real.

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