Friday, August 13, 2010

Commute #2

First "official" school opening day, sans kids. Rode with 'BB' in the a.m. at a nice brisk pace; she does spin classes so she can knock out a steady tempo. In the p.m. I needed to hustle home for supper plan so, for me, I put the pedal down in the 100F heat and humidity and rode home about as hard as I could under the conditions, averaging mid-14s on the LHT, which for me is lightening fast. It would've been more fun on the RB-1, but you can't have everything.

1 comment:

lithodale said...

I pounded that hot bastard home today too...I think the spot at the base of the Second Street Bridge may be the hottest in town. Stop and let the sweat just pour.

Ahhh...Rb-1. Now thats a sweet ride...

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