Sunday, September 25, 2011

Applications and Polemics

This morning provided a melange of cycling polemics. The plan was to be a trail day with the Bloomington crew. Instead, polemic #1 rained on our parade. Wash out. No trail ride, and this all embued with a "will it/won't it?" kind of tension starting Friday. Into the mix came PJ with designs to ride big this morning to prepare for his GA trip. So, I had the primary trail option with a "rain date" long distance back-up with PJ. And since the dirt designs looked grim, the frothy brew of road back-up rose to the top of the cup. Polemic #2. The trail ride was cancelled. And PJ was to have hit the road at 5.15, so the back-up chicken had flown its coop.

 And yet I was in kit, basically ready for a day of two-wheels and I became determined that *something* was going to happen, so I drew the Bleriot quiver for my bow and away I rode, 6-shooter in hand! No, there was no gun and I let the metaphor get out of hand there.

I decided to ride to Sunergo's first and then to let the morning unfold. Dave has/had been laid up, nurse Betty style, so I didn't know if we could make contact, but I let his suggestion guide my direction. He mentioned catching Vic's LBC ride at 9.00, so I at least had a plan. I would coffee it up, ride to Vic's and see what happened.

 "Application"- this is a term Drew taught me during the IF design project. For the frame and subsequent parts, what would be the application? How would I specifically use said part? I appreciate Drew's insistence in this b/c I think it's the best way to approach a particular part issue. How am I really going to use said tire, brake, frame...Today I found that I had missed what the Bleriot's application was.

 **I just lost all the rest of this post. The Bleriot is a fine bike, not a race bike. I need to ride it like an all-rounder and not a pure road bike. Furthermore, I had some kind of heart incident at the latter stages of the club ride. I felt good and outclimbed numerous people on the ride while on the Bleriot. And then it went "FLOP" something like 3 times. ???? I don't know. It disturbed me and I'm still bothered. Polemics. And Applications


Pondero said...

It doesn't always fall into place. Logistics and weather are annoying, but minor. Health is something to prioritize. I hope the health issue slides quickly into the minor category as well. Take care of yourself, my friend.

Laura said...

The bike went FLOP or your heart? (Not that either is good, but I would feel less worried about your bike than your heart.)

LvilleTex said...

Ticker went "flop", sort of in a different way that has taken place in the past. I'm skittish, but we'll take the long view.

Anonymous said...

We want you around for the long view. Take care of yourself.

Darin said...

We just lost a friend in his late 30's in excellent shape (avid runner) due to undetected coronary disease. He left a wife and 4 kids. Please get yourself checked out, and hopefully it will be good news and a non-issue.

Apertome said...

I'm glad you got out to ride despite our failed mountain bike plans ... hope you figure out the heart thing, that's scary.

LvilleTex said...

@Darin, I've been checked out before, a couple times even. I've got AFib, so heart flops aren't anything that new. I just don't tend to have them on rides. Gotta back off from intensity I'd suspect. My cronies will all leave me in the dust while I toodle at the back. But if that's what it takes.

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