Saturday, June 30, 2012


I rode 611 miles this month, my biggest total since last June (627m). The tour started me off with a bang at almost 250 miles for the four days. After that I didn't have any tremendous rides, but I did stay on the bike regularly.

 Today Dave, Timothy and I did some hills. It's so easy to fall down that path of least resistance and find those table-top flat routes, but I designed a course that would a) give me at least 600 for the month and b) not be too terribly easy. After coffee we took in some hills in Cherokee/Seneca and then a few more along River Rd. A short .25m jaunt up the new (to us) Rio Vista Dr. was a nasty little bugger. I'm glad it was relatively short. Towards the far end the other two need some sustenance, so I bade them adieu and came pretty much directly home for family obligations. Smartly we started at 7.00, so we found ourselves with temps in the 80s with a little bit of humidity; the forecast is for 105F, which is another issue entirely.



amidnightrider said...

Hills are our friends. Oh and Viva La Espania.

Mike said...


Alabama Sky Day 3 Vistas

We began Day 3 with a basic breakfast at the restaurant, again better than camp cooking a salt bomb,and bundled up for a long descent in th...