Friday, July 26, 2013


Sloughing off yesterday's sloth. Hit the coffee shop. Kleen Kanteen in hand. Early morning mist sunbeams no phone pic can convey. Stops along the way. QB so sure-footed. Essence of spinning pedals.

Leaves of Three, let them Ugh! My long-legged friends are gone, so we have to find the little critters in the bushes instead. Knee-high weed path, where does it lead? Abandoned. Carolina Chickadee party! QB, still sure-footed. Big trucks zoom by, but leave room. Thanks.

Mystery girl on her own two-wheeled ramble. Re-enter the streets. Keep a step ahead of the geezers. There He is, Ol' Blue. Make pace up golf course hill. QB descends like no other. Roll in. Look for bird pics.

**In lieu of making a long bird list, I made mini-lists at some of my viewing spots. The only two non-IDS- and by that I mean I see the Damn Bird but still can't figure it out- are a brown fuzzball, almost robin-sized, and little grey/light grey birds in the bushes.

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