Tuesday, September 13, 2005

tuesdays either

after having great legs a couple weeks ago, i feel like shit now. don't know why. anyway, b/c of an after-work thang, i rode the Rans Rocket this a.m. i've only done one ride in forever on the Rans, but decided to do so. i just mounted the front flasher and rear flasher light. the front doesn't illuminate crap, but it's got a nasty flash, so traffic at least sees me before they run me over. i did the 7m flat route. in the p.m., i took my side trip to Central Pk., and then home later via Oak, Baxter, Norris, and up Valley Vista. felt like crap, and didn't enjoy the 'bent all that much. i'll be back on the LHT tomorrow, but will try to do the Rans thing once a week for kicks.

14m/7 a.m./7 p.m./slow as hell all in all

1 comment:

LvilleTex said...

what?? stop trying to sell me shit!

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