well, it's payday friday, so another day well spent after work downing a few. the morning proved a tad exciting, as the weather has finally changed. with the temps and the drizzle, i broke out the lightweight neoprene gloves, the toe warmers and the newish REI waterresistent jacket. it's one of those bright, "lookatme" yellow ones, but great for commuting visability. it didn't rain on me too much, but i was dampish by the time i got to work.
the afternoon began at the venerable Granville and i did partake of some Guiness and cheesefries. the way home was sort of fun, as 'sheryl' and i headed towards the highlands. we both felt like going pretty damn slow, which we certainly did. i came down bardstown a new way today, along the alley on the east side from Highland all the way to TylerPk or so. after that i took the right lane of Bardstown to the loop and home. the alley proved to be a lowkey, relaxed way to pass the few miles there. i ran by my mom around the looop and had a good chat and then home. slow but steady wins the race. i got some mileage in when the rain and cold certainly scared of 'lance' and i'm sure some others so uninclined.
we'll see what the weekend brings.
13.5 m/6 a.m./7.5 p.m./12 avg (Guiness has that effect)
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