Mondays suck. allow me to repeat. Mondays suck. i know. i'm supposed to hit the week with a smile and unbridled enthusiasm to attack the work week and fulfill my working destiny. BUT, Mondays suck and i was entirely unenthusiastic this a.m. that said, i did get on the 'ole LHT for a coolish commute. the morning proved pretty uneventful 7.5m it was a smidge chilly at 55. for this temp i wore shorts and lightweight tights, a longsleeve T, a windbreaker, longfingered gloves, and lightweight Smartwool socks.
i spoke to 'lance' about going some distance this afternoon, to which he agreed heartily. it was the my first 'real' ride with him on the Bachetta and me on the LHT, so we could compare relative purchases. we did a healthy clip at 15-16, with some stretches above that along Algonquin Pkwy towards the Riverwalk. once on that we slowed a little, as the fall leaves were already coverning part of the walk. there were some nice views of the river now that the foliage has died down a bit. fact is 'lance' seems MUCH faster on the Bachetta than on the Rans. previously i was the one dictating pace, but now he seems to be a leg up on me even though my mileage is still pretty good. i DID have a caffeine headache from too much coffee and yerba mate, but his stomach was bothering him, so i'd call that even. fact is at 16+ i felt more labored than he seemed, so who knows. makes me think the extra bike poundage, plus my fat ass poundage is making a difference, monster-muscle thighs be damned. this is a predicament that we'll have to keep a watch on.
came home up Lex (from Spring) and through park, avoided the golf course hill b/c i was (and still am bushed) and came home via the other Spring and through Seneca Gds. it's nice to finally get another decent mileage ride in, but damn i'm tired.
must be that @#$# Monday thing.
28.5m/7.5 a.m./21 p.m./13.8 avg total including a.m. mileage./55 a.m./62 p.m.
**seems like we rode harder than that in the afternoon, but the stop signs and slow spots add up
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