Saturday, October 15, 2005

still can't spell

i was re-reading a post from a couple days a go when i realized that i had called a young female a "philly" instead of a "filly". man, i AM stupid. maybe i should just write all of these in Spanish, since i seems to be able to spell that quite nicely.

today's the CumberlandFalls trip. we'll go after soccer. i'm still considering sneaking in a ride this a.m., but it's awfully early to go ride around in circles. the commute gets me somewhere, a destination, a goal, you know? otherwise i have to wake up.

furthermore, i'm spending too much time on this pinche computer. last night instead of doing anything remotely productive, i was on for 1.5 hours. later, though, i did read a bit of Hawking's "A History of the Universe" (is that the title? am i going daft?). interesting, but unfortunately at some point i'm too dumb to understand the physics. i hate being smart enough to realize that i'm NOT smart enough to really pull off being smart. Ah low expectations. shouldv'e stayed a redneck like i was when i was 12. i could then revel in Nascar and generally low-brow entertainment that would take full advantage of my, well, stupidity.

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