Wednesday, October 12, 2005

thought so; it's incidence

just another routine day in the bike office. pretty normal straightshot 6m to work. in the p.m. went with 'sheryl' where we bitched about all the painintheass parents out there. out of control!! the i/me/mine generation going even worse and i have to put up with their spoiled-rotton jerks for kids.

well, went along spring, through Seneca Gds with side stop to the mailbox, and home, giving me a grand total of 17m, which is pretty good. i'm not sure where the extra mile or so came from, but it did show up on the computer, and i'll take it.

back still tweaked, and still have slow legs, but well, well. c'est la vie.

17m/6.5 a.m./10.5 p.m./slow as ever/75 p.m. temp

p.s. this has been edited, in that i noticed the mention of "there spoiled.." and COULDN'T believe i would be so grammatically lame. it's one thing to no use capital letters, but quite another to express some kind of stupidity not differentiating there/their.

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