Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Date: Jan. 17
Mileage: 14.5
Ride type: CommuteRoad
Bike: LHT
Temp: 55+rain a.m./39+rain p.m.
January mileage: 145.5
Year to date: 145.5

After the sloth of the weekend, wasting two good riding days, i stand resolute to do better this week. yesterday i started with a good 2 hour ride, and today i promised myself to ride whatever/however. this morning i awoke to rain, as the forecast claimed. this a.m.'s temps were moderate, and i had no students today- the "Gold Day" opportunity for taxpayers to pay teachers to sit around in meetings- so i decided to make a go of it, rain or no rain. this afternoon proved slightly more interesting however. they had forecasted 55 dropping to 45 this afternoon. well, by the time i left work it had dropped all the way to 39. 30's and rain are pretty inclement, especially for someone who cobbles together appropriate clothing instead of having a professional team kit handed to me like Lance would.

Por otro lado, 39 and rain are good times to comment on clothing, as i will do now.

Head- i wore a standard polypro headband, but augmented today by an interesting find/idea. i've had a Bellweather helmet cover laying around forever but never use it b/c the elastic is worn out and doesn't really stay affixed. this a.m. i perched it on an old Giro helmet, and it worked pretty well except for the one time i had to stick it on there again. this p.m. Wa La ( french Ouilah? who knows. never seen it in print) i put in UNDER the helmet like a head cover. it actually did a very nice job keeping the head warmer and dryer. definitely a find.

torso- Capeline long sleever with standard cotton turtleneck. i though i had brough another shirt but didn't. the turtleneck worked fine. and on the outside a plastic rain jacket, not the fancy kind but standard shower liner material. worked well in the cold though. i preferred to keep all the heat in.

bottoms- shorts and medium weight tights. cold but alright.

feet- shoes and toe booties and Sealskinz sox. they worked well in 39 and rain. definitely in their element.

they're calling for more of the same tomorrow. with students, we'll see ,as i hate to keep soaking wet and have to look more presentable than a meeting day like today


Frostbike said...

Tex, the high here today is supposed to be 23 degrees. Inclement, indeed.

Anonymous said...

i think the word you're looking
for is "voila."

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