Date: Jan. 30
Mileage: 26 (8am/18pm)
Ride type: Commute
Bike: LHT
Temp: 42 a.m./48 p.m. windy
January mileage: 274
Year to date: 274
today was the first time i've been out with 'lance' in a while. it was a nice enough day, so i planned to get some mileage in in the p.m. for some reason, i woke up and got it going, putting in 8 miles in the a.m. by cutting through Cherokee. as usual i had a nice experience on Dog Hill, this time b/c it was early, my legs were dead, and i put it in a VERY easy gear and poked up the hill- not quite as slow as humanly possible but not far off.
in the p.m. i head out with 'lance'. we have our big, flat West 'Ville to East 'Ville loop, going across Algonquin Pkwy, through Shawnee Pk, up Northwestern Pkwy working over to the river walk in the non-river spots (to avoid mud). we went through downtown and out Spring st. 'lance' headed home to Crescent Hill. i curled off, going up Lexington to Cherokee again, avoided any hills until the final one up to Seneca Gds. it's a good loop for pure straightforward miles, albeit flat as a board. i'll try to hook up again Wednesday. i'd felt good about my mileage until 'lance' told me he did 150 just last week. makes my monthly look pretty sad.
1 comment:
Don't feel too bad, you're at least 50 miles ahead of me for the month. :)
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