Date: Jan. 13
Mileage: 7
Ride type: Rollers
Bike: Bridgestone RB-1
Temp: '03 Liege-Bastogne-Liege (to replace outdoor weather)
January mileage: 100
Year to date: 100
dammit, i hate it went technology goes awry and i lose my post (or part of it). after having a good ride wednesday, yesterday's schedule just didn't hold a commute in the cards. i intended to ride inside when i got home, but i'm bad at that. today i intended to commute. they instead forcasted nasty rains, which were evident on the radar this a.m., so i packed it in.
fact is, unless it's pouring at the moment, i really should just ride. i could've gotten poured on this a.m., but i also could've squeezed through. this p.m. would've been wet too, but it was never truly pouring when i drove home.
so, after this and that, i got on the rollers for the first time in a LONG time. my parents gave me a Cyclops Turbo trainer a few years ago. that' the one i generally ride inside, given that it's more stable and the resistence theoretically does some good. today's roller ride was pretty refreshing, in that i managed not to fall (1 close call). also, i forgot about how constant rollers are- don't stop pedalling'll fall off. i pussied out and only did 25min. the bike computer registered the 7miles and 16.5avg. that's fine. next time i'll definitely reach 30, and maybe 35, and build up from there, or i can throw the bike on the trainer.
i also did my first batch of crunches in a long while. i started tennis conditioning this week, so i'm feeling guilty that i'm making all those schmucks suffer while i sit around fat and sassy. i'm beyond doing everything they do in conditioning like a did several years ago, but some of it certainly wouldn't hurt. hell, i remember my early years coaching and i ran the same ## of hills more or less. i also realize that i was 35lbs lighter and a good bit more nimble.
this weekend, plus MLK day will allow me 3 good days of rides and i will get them in hellorhighwater.
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