in the words of ET, "ouch..." in that long drawn-out style of his. now, let's explain that they're not sore from the ride yesterday. Nay, i failed to mention in bikeriding terms that, Friday, instead of riding, i did some conditioning with the tennis team. each year my participation in this diminishes, mostly b/c my left knee's patellar tendonitis is pretty bad and i would rather save my knee for bikerides. Friday though, i ran some stairs and did some other footwork drills with them. Subsequently, yesterday and today i can barely get down the stairs. it's not the UP that hurts. that quad push-off mimics climbing on the bike. it's the down that hurts so much. rarely used muscles there. i should jog some, as it's a good all-body workout and good in the cold, but i just HATE jogging. so extremely sore quads it is.
saw an EXCELLENT Son Volt show last night at Headliners (here's a link to the band website: i've been pretty bored in recent concerts with Jay Farrar- snoozefests with too much earnest folkie stuff. i'm a rock guy and a harmony guy, so the band vibe does it for me. with his new line-up, they really rocked out, especially Brad Rice on guitar. i'd say in fact that the band actually rocked harder than his original sonvolt line-up, and he really played mostly upbeat rockout tunes. i haven't been to a show in a while, so it was good to get out and stay up at an hour past my usual 10.00 fallasleepinchair time.
StuporBowl tonight. anybody care? not i. my friend Chris- and another friend Chris- are big Steelers fans. so for them a steeler win would be nice, but i'm pulling for the KY boy Shaun Alexander and the Seahawks. i'm a lifelong Cowboys fan, so any Steeler failure can only be a good thing. Rothliesberger (sp?) is tough though. vamos a ver.
if i can extricate myself from the house, i might ride today. depends on whether i can actually walk to garage though. it'll be good practice (temps in 20s right now) for my commuting clothing setup this week. back to the winter real world!
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