Sunday, February 12, 2006

a "run"

Date: Feb. 12
Mileage: 3
Temp: 32
February mileage: 3
Year to date: 3

as i've stated here, i didn't have a good cycling week this past week. why? don't know. yesterday was a perfectly appropriate day and i spent it coach potatoing watching the pinche Juegos Olimpicos. freakin' stupid.

this a.m. i maybe could've squeezed a ride in amongst family activities related to church, and yet again didn't quite get out. about 11.15, with my morning time disappearing, i made a bold move. since i didn't have time to ride, i did the unthinkable and took a "run". i call it "run", b/c it actuality it's lots of slow jog. sin embargo, i was actually pretty pleased that i got through 3 full miles with just a smidge of walking. now, i might be super sore like i was when i did stairs the other day, but i'll take it. more importantly, in past springs, as tennis gets in gear, my exercise tends to fall dramatically off b/c i'm driving all the time to school and my time is really pinched, so no workouts. jogging can let me grab some time in the a.m. so i don't just give up. i would rather ride, but i think some 3-4 milers this spring would be a great way to give me some activity during the week. and the on the weekends, grab some miles on the bike. tomorrow was a step in the right direction.

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