Date: May 22
Mileage: 17
Ride type: Commute
Bike: LHT
Temp: 74 and sunny
May mileage: 43
Year to date: 546
Wow, still looking out the window i'm marvelling at the outstanding weather today. i got up plenty early and took out the LHT for a rare spring commute. it's so rare in the spring to get a commute in b/c of tennis. now that tennis is slowing down i have a chance to grab a few commutes before school completely lets out. it's doubly strange to ride out in the a.m. with light. i'm used to those dark winter mornings, so this a.m.'s 'twilight' was very refreshing.
the afternoon proved more perfect. mid-70s, low humidity, a nice breeze to keep off the sweat but no so windy as to be problematic. Perfect. maybe not swimming perfect, but otherwise. a good time was had returning home through Seneca pk up golf course hill. one of the racing teams- PapaJohn's- was out for their Monday cool down day and we climbed up the hill more or less together. them all tanned and very trim on very light Roark titanium cycles and me on the LHT feeling like a blimp. both enjoying ourselves though.
i have means to commute Tuesday and Wednesday before I have more tennis business, so we'll try to make it three in a row. and let's hope for three in a row of perfect Spring days.
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