Date: July 22
Mileage: 14.5
Ride type: Urban Bike Jog
Bike: LHT
Temp: ??80??
July mileage: 223
Year to date: 961
easy jaunt around the eastern neighborhoods today, mostly to get my legs loose after my death march yesterday. i was also grumpy from my body waking me up too early this a.m., so need to loosen up so as to not be unpleasant to those around me today. decided the goal would be to go get COFFEE. i have some wholebean here, but it gets everywhere when i grind it. i hadn't been to my fav spot- Sunergos- for a while, so off i went on the LHT to #1 ride a bit and #2 get real cafe. i intentionally went slow (12-14mph) for most of trip to make sure and recup. i find the Sunergos paradigm intersting, b/c the owners are deeply and enthusiastically religious, devout holy-roller Christians. it's a group i tend to abhor due to their moralizing, but these guys are very peaceful and humble. Plus they easily make the best coffee in town.
other than that, on the return trip (in a different direction) i opened up a little more as my legs felt better. did another fav routine and beat a bunch of the car traffic down Bardstown; that's where i opened it up to 20-21mph for a bit. saw the guy with the trickout allwhite fixie, but he was up a ways so i couldn't really study it. oh, a cool dude gave the LHT a compliment when i was at Sunergos. that's cool. doesn't happen too often in the 'Ville. it's TREK land you know.
when i got home, i realized that one of my back brake shoes might've been dragging. gonna have to check that out. it's like Lance's brakes over the Galibier in '03. me just like Lance, right on!
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