Friday, July 28, 2006

One of those Days

Date: July 28
Mileage: 10
Ride type: Barrio
Bike: LHT
Temp: 75 overcast and wannabe-stormy
July mileage: 288
Year to date: 1026

after something like 6 rides in 7 days, my riding goes nowhere this week. finally, i jump up to ride this p.m. i go to the Crosscheck b/c it's been raining and that's a good rain bike. back flat tire. mierda. go to LHT. i had fiddled with brakes and fixed flat back tire a week or so ago. get on and ride, cruising the neighborhood. was going to get in 15-20 goofaround miles. mierda. back tire going soft. piss! i thought i had found the entry point for glass or nail in back tire. thought i had cleaned it out. guess not. piss. will have to find bike without flat back tire to ride tomorrow.

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