Friday, July 28, 2006


while awaiting the decision whether to ride in the rain or not (and whether to bother checking the Phloyd Philes- which i will), i came across some interesting tidbits:


% students attending
public/private schools

73.1/26.90 Louisville
88.4/11.59 N'tl avg.

Money magazine Online, much like that other list that i railed against yesterday, has also ranked places to live (thanks ChrisG). the 'Ville didn't fare much better, but these ## were interesting. we have a HUGE Catholic community in Louisville, one of the largest per capita in the US if i'm not mistaken. henceforth we have significant numbers of students who attend private school. as a public school teach, i find this interesting.

another interesting tidbit, also left over from our Catholic heritage:

(within 15 miles) 189 Louisville
127 N'tl avg.

gotta love that number!!

really, on mostly every other count, divorce, median income, housing values, you name it, we're down the list. i'm depressed now.

on a HIGH note, Wal-Mart has left Germany. the rising tide is kept at bay. they'll just take over China instead.

some good reading about Peak Oil and Ethanol, Self Sufficiency and the Chicken Battles, and the great Change of American society. i take no credit for finding such interesting reading. i'll credit that mostly to Jim's Oil for is Sissies.

it's raining and i was too damn lazy to ride this a.m. since my big 53-miler on Sunday, i've not been on it once. Monday softball. Tuesday Tres Chicas show at the Rud. (mostly wife's pick, but a really good show. i encourage all if you like harmonies). Wednesday ??. Thursday i did fiddle with bikes, including brakes on LHT and general check of Rans. been to pool every day though. my tan is great!


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Anonymous said...

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