Thursday, November 30, 2006

Commute 2.0

Date: Nov 30
Mileage: 21
Ride type: Commute/Mixed
Bike: LHT
Temp: 65 and falling
November mileage: 425
Year to date: 2238

last commute of a very-warm November. good times. i woke up early, so i took the longer way through Cherokee Pk., up golfcourse hill, and on to school. 65 degrees for a morning commute the last day of November! the afternoon proved fun as well. i went down Logan (the northerly road i never remember the name of, but gracias a Dios for googlemaps), along Washington and up the Adams St./Spring St. biketrail. i could fell the effects of the brisk tailwind when i proceeded to travel at 18.5mph on the LHT slightly uphill. the BeargrassCreekTrail was in good shape, and over to Cherokee. i sort of cheated in that i didn't go up golfcourse hill, but instead went trail riding again, going up the old mtbike trail to Hogan's Fountain. I hadn't done that trail since before selling the orangish Cannondale oh so long ago. (after thinking about it for a sec, i remembered that I sold the C'dale to a guy in OK to help raise the funds for the Surly CrossCheck. i had had enough of "hardcore" mtnbiking and the Surly has done me much better).

i toodled through the park and Seneca Gds, bringing me near to home. after all the good mileage of late, i didn't want to come home and finish with only 19m, so i extended to the streets behind Farmington. that's where the day got a smidge interesting in that the radar has shown rain ALL day long just ot the west, but it never seemed to get here. well, if i had come straight home, i wouldn't have had the experience of receiving a little cleansing shower the last 2m. and i was close enough to home not to worry too much about dropping temps and wetness.

the 2.0 in the title refers, of course, to the 2" Serfas. i really like them. they seem to be able to handle any situation, and my commute is seemingly easier with the ability to plow through random street holes and cracks. and i get to go offroad safely when needed. good November on the bike.

1 comment:

Doug said...

Looks like November was good to the both of us for high mileage months. It really is amazing how much faster the miles add up when you just ride a few extra miles a day. It makes me feel like I felt when I was a kid and all I did was ride my bicycle around all day...just for the fun of it.

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