Monday, December 11, 2006


Date: Dec 11
Mileage: 33
Ride type: Commute
Bike: LHT
Temp: 60Fp.m.
December mileage: 193
Year to date: 2422

man, what to do when it's mid-December and you get a 60-degree day? ride, of course. i knew going in that it would be a good day, so i woke up early and did just a bit extra mileage this a.m., going through Cherokee. i heard a funny song on golf-course hill, but know i don't remember.

this p.m. i briefly rode with 'sheryl' until she pulled off. after that i headed west towards Shawnee to do a big, flat afternoon route. ventured up NW Pkwy, through parts of Shawnee, back the Riverwalk, through Washington St., up the Beargrass Path, through Cherokee and towards home. felt right frisky going west, moving at a healthy 15+mph (nice to have a tailwind). once i turned east, my going was slower with the headwind and the legs tiring a bit. toes and ears felt a wee bit chilly by ride's end, but how can you not be comfy at 50 in December. i did experience, as often, a bit of saddle wonkiness. i think my butt is big, and on occasion it just sits wrong on the the saddle. some days the B-17 is the best thing ever, others it just rubs me weirdly in weird spots. hard to describe. i think it's my big butt's fault, so the solution is to ride a bunch and decrease my ass.

A great alley off an old industrial area in Portland, original settlement of what is now Louisville. As its name says, it was the original "port" around the falls.

I like this white door against the red and brown of the bricks. the symmetry of the side boarded-up windows is a bonus.

Further down the alley. How apropos, the "NO DUMPING" sign in what looks like a wasteland. I half-expected a body in there somewhere....I didn't look too hard.

Nice jet 'trails' against a great, warm December sky. so much better than gunmetal grey.

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