we're back from the in-laws, but i'm faced with a most-difficult situation. i'm here, and my new Bleriot is 4 doors down the street. given the UPS shipping date, the bike was to arrive yesterday, Tuesday. i left a note on our front door for "Brown" to deliver it Thursday afternoon, when i knew we would be home. i then called some neighbors down the street to see if they could take the note off the door after supper, so as to note have a large hand-written note advertising to the world that we were out of town.
coming home from Maysville today, we get cell-phone service and find a message from said good neighbors. apparently, when one of them went down to our house to remove the note, a very large box was on the porch. Yikes! fortunately, they did the neighborly thing and carried it down to their house. now it's 10.25 and they're not at home. So, a bike i've been planning, purchasing, and waiting on since mid-November is stuck 100yds down the street, and i have no way of retrieving it.
quite the conundrum.
had a good ride earlier today. will post country pics tomorrow.
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