Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I was almost driven to the brink of insanity by a problem on Z's math page. He had this word problem about Dutch speed skaters skating @ 60k/hour. Then, the sheet gives a "key" (good wife's term; I called it the formula) of 1K=1.6M, which is blatantly wrong. That's obviously the "formula" for 1M=1.6K, but it took me just a second to realize that they damn worksheet was wrong and that I'm not a retarded adult. I'M NOT RETARDED! No, I don't have enormous attention to detail. Yes, I prefer to do match w/ a calculator b/c I'm lazy. BUT I can convert miles and kilos after many years of cycling pinche puta madre. I'm not going to go off on the American educational system, but Joder, put the damn correct "formula" so the students can learn something!!!

OK, I'm calmer. Laura, any thoughts?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Take a deep breath, bro.

You're way to hung up on "facts". After all, the children will never really need to know that conversion will they? ;-)

No, of course, the only thing that is important is that they get the correct answer. Get an A, and get a credential.

Now go watch the Colbert Report.

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