Saturday, February 17, 2007

La Nieve finalmente

Date: Feb 17 Sat
Mileage: 14.5 (Redline Monocog)
February mileage: 86
Year to date: 361

It finally snowed today in the 'Ville, with a grand total of 1". That's not a "real" snow by Osage, NY standards, Minnesota standards, or even Louisville standards. It was enough snow that the boys managed to sled some and throw some snowballs at my head. And that's all that matters, right? After the first "wave" of 1/2", I got out on the Monocog for some snow trailing. I was too lazy to put air in the back tire, so I think I was riding on 12lbs. pressure the whole time. It made for a good snow imprint, but I was in perpetually fear that a pinch would do me in. I saw several tracks on the trails in Seneca. There's actually no way I went 14 miles, but it's my blog and I like the number. Fact is, I was out a little more than an hour and that amount of efforts feels about right. Following are pics of today's ride, plus bonus snow coverage of the household.

Nice wooded snowy path, eh?

Full-grown Yeti found in forest. First documented sighting with winter coat. Protect children, the elderly, and Republicans. Will Bite! (And is wearing newly-arrived Walz wool cap with earflaps)

Iron found randomly in the middle of the woods. The Buddha says all things are impermanent but this bizarre handrail apparently contradicts that.

**This could get ugly (but she's purty).** (sic: edited out due to wife copyright infringement)

My fav pic of the day. A good guy. Hope the good missus let's me keep it loaded on the blog. She's "cautious".

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