I'm feeling neither dramatic nor despondent, but of late I've noticed changes in my perspective that make me feel older and more adult. Following is a list of those (in no particular order):
1. Music- I've been a long-time musicphile, really ever since 6th grade or so. The moods have certainly changed over the years, but I've stayed current to the latest tunes b/c I like them so much. KISS begat REOSpeedwagon begat Rush begat Ozzy begat VanHalen begat Hendrix begat PinkFloyd begat theStones begat theDoors begat the Allman Brothers begat De la Soul begat Uncle Tupelo begat REM/U2 begat, well, it really exploded from there but Wilco, Pavement, theRoots, StevieWonder, Otis, Aretha, Soundgarden, 9InchNails, ???. And let's not forget Beethoven, Josquin, Mozart, Tallis, Coltrane, Davis, Fitzgerald and so many more. Now, though, the only "current" bands I keep up with at all are the Shins and Death Cab. And even with them I can't claim complete fandom. I've just sort of moved on. I can't really name another single "young" band beyond the aforementioned ones. What's current? Hell, I teach high school so I should know, right? No, I don't listen to current hip-hop, R&B, or rock. I'm older.
2. Girls- My good wife will read this, but she knows and I know that I always liked looking at the ladies. Window shopping but no purchasing, if you understand my meaning. Now, well, not really. I'm happily married and secure and I am just not as interested in oogling. Is it hormones? or maturity? I received the latest SI swimsuit edition and I realized those girls are pretty damn young. I'm almost, but not quite, possible "Dad" age. Don't know. They're somebody's daughter and they don't need some older guy treating them like meat.
3. Cycling- I've certainly incorporated the commuting and RBW approach in the latest years with my cycling. I don't want to wear silly lycra and hammer, hammer, hammer. I want to ride and enjoy myself. Yes, a spirited ride is fun and the feeling of fitness is fulfilling (yes, that IS alliterative), but riding for riding sake is more fun. Is that age? Or is it wisdom to slow down and enjoy the journey and not just the lactic acid?
4. Buddhism- I wouldn't call myself a Buddhist, but I'm heading that way. I agree with much of what I've read and incorporated. Frankly, mediation is very cleansing. And Loving/Kindness is sure a lot more satisfying that "pissed and ready to bomb/shoot/kick their asses". The question is, am I feeling my mortality and looking for end-time solace? I don't feel like it. I just feel more settled and more in search of stability and less like a ping-pong ball on the hunt for the next life shift. I feel in the moment and in the place.
5. TV- I'm a dork. I watch sports, British mysteries (Midsomer Murders), PBS, science, garden, history shows. I wouldn't know a "hip comedy" if it bit me in the ass. I'm obviously not in that demographic that is buying that shit, whatever that may be. My demographic must buy vaginal creams, toiletries, and tools, b/c those are the commercials that confront me.
6. Clothes- I wish kids would pull up their pants and girls would cover their boobs. It's just SO unnecessary. And hopefully the Thong thing is passing by. Gross! We just passed a new "dance" code to minimize the bumping, grinding, freaking and humping, and I'm glad instead of pissed. Older? or Wiser?
7. Booze- I'm drinking less and missing it less. Yes, I still drink some wine or beer on occasion. I'm no tee-totaler. I just am not drinking as much and not needing too. If I could only do this with ice cream I would be GREAT! With the way I used to consume booze, I came to the realization that at my age that would be alcoholism instead of just "partying". Coffee has become my drink of choice instead of a beer. Which would be the hardest to kick: Coffee, Ice Cream, or Booze?
If you read this, that is this week's poll: Coffee, Booze or Ice Cream? Mine "weak link" is ice cream, although I'm "addicted" to coffee on a more physiological level.
It's calling for snow tomorrow, but I'm on the bike, even if it's just for 30 minutes. Peace out!
Well, I agree with lots of what you wrote, though I guess I was always more "prudish" even when I was younger. (I didn't want to see nearly-naked young people even when I was young.)
As for your poll, it's not really fair for me to answer. I don't drink any coffee (never liked it), I gave up ice cream because the fat content was too harsh on my stomach, and I don't drink much. I don't like beer. I am more likely to buy wine than I was about ten years ago, mostly because I realized a nice glass of wine every now and then was pleasant. And I LOVE bourbon and would hate to give it up forever. So I guess even though I'm not much of a drinker, I'd not want to give it all up permanently.
I'm right in there with you on most of this. Maybe that's why I read all your blog entires. I connect to your experience because it is a lot like mine. I agree with all except the t.v.. I just don't watch much t.v. anymore. I'm a former t.v. addict. I no longer fit the demographics of most show audiences. I don't have cable and network t.v. offers me little. As far as Booze, ice cream and coffee? I gave up coffee (2 pot a day drinker), and alcohol in 1995. the same year I became vegetarian. I started having an occasional glass of wine in 2004 and ever since. Ice cream will kill me because I can't stay away from it. So we don't buy it often. I think it's a combination of age and wisdom. I like it. It's much more fulfilling then being young and stupid, even though I don't fit in most of the time.
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