There's also bike news, but I'm not prepared to comment until I get Pencam pic issue taken care of. Chao for now. Oh, and Paris-Roubaix is tomorrow!! Too bad Big Georgie isn't there.
It's a little later now, so I'm going to load a couple Decemberist pix. They're not great, but the show was visually interesting, lots of color as you can see: pinks, whites, oranges, blues, reds. The backdrop was apparently painted by the lead singers Colin's wife. It was a fun show and I suggest you to attend one in your locale if you have the chance, and if it's music you're inclined to. Think NeutralMilkHotel+1930MurderBallad+1890ShantybytheSeaBallad+FleetwoodMac (they referenced it, not me)+wack-assfeedback. Hard to describe by good stuff.
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