Saturday, April 14, 2007

El Tiempo

Damn, what great weather we've had the last couple days. 45F and heavy rain makes for wonderful outdoor activities. Everything is sopping wet, puddled and muddy. Saw the Decemberists last night. Great Show. I had a bit of a headache, and the good wife is the bigger fan, but entertaining and rockin'. I may have some pics depending on how new Aiptek Pencam does with downloads. so far I've had no luck installing software and ripping pics. No, i didn't follow initial directions (how effing hard is it to install a program? Duh?). It wouldn't recognize USB driver, so that's the project for this p.m.

There's also bike news, but I'm not prepared to comment until I get Pencam pic issue taken care of. Chao for now. Oh, and Paris-Roubaix is tomorrow!! Too bad Big Georgie isn't there.

It's a little later now, so I'm going to load a couple Decemberist pix. They're not great, but the show was visually interesting, lots of color as you can see: pinks, whites, oranges, blues, reds. The backdrop was apparently painted by the lead singers Colin's wife. It was a fun show and I suggest you to attend one in your locale if you have the chance, and if it's music you're inclined to. Think NeutralMilkHotel+1930MurderBallad+1890ShantybytheSeaBallad+FleetwoodMac (they referenced it, not me)+wack-assfeedback. Hard to describe by good stuff.

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