Mileage: 16 (9.2.5.)
June mileage: 62
Year to date: 884
Why haven't I ridden? Don't know.
Dropped the boys off at activity and jumped on fixie for a 1-hour special. Boy do I not like the 'stache bars on that bike. gonna switch to something else at some point, but no $$ for that at moment.
Two disturbing episodes on ride this evening. I hate it when I have a great 60 minutes that is/are disturbed by less than 60sec on depravity, but it happens:
- Riding along River Rd., w/ guy jogging on the sidewalk. Coming towards him a pack of 8ish youths. A collision was imminent. No, an altercation didn't ensue, but the youths didn't move an inch, didn't give the guy one bit consideration. They could've parted the waters ever so slightly just to be courteous and instead they block his path intentionally. I actually pulled up a bit b/c there were words and hand motions. Quickly the conflagration dissipated, but Pinche, yield just a teensie little bit, just for humanity sake.
- I was returning home on Douglass, crossing Bardstown. Across the opposite side of the intersection a dude was crossing in front of traffic; I was concerned for him b/c drivers are so...discourteous. Madre mia, to my left some crazy bitch in a bright red car comes careening around me turning right directly in front of my path. 1 Mississippi later and she takes me out. And me on the fixie with less immediate stopping agility also means an extra 'pucker' moment as well. I have no clue why she almost ran me over. She had to have seen me, so I guess she was just a bitch, just like those youths were assholes. I guess it comes with the modern territory.
I hear you. Yesterday I was going around the lake on a one way bike path. There was a woman coming toward me (going the wrong way, strike one) on rollerblades (strike 2), talking on her cell phone (strike 3), and she didn't move an inch. I had to alter course to avoid hitting her. Some people's kids.
Teens very often do challenges like they did to the runner. Why? Who knows. One of my techniques is to stop the bike a little sidways across their path and casually drink some watter, rifle through my bag or whatever, until they go around.
It's immature, but satisfying.
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