Date: June 27 Wed
Mileage: 5 (9.2.5.)
June mileage: 102
Year to date: 924
The fam went to Wednesday evening church, so I went for a ride on the fixie. Fact is as many bikes as I have several are not in the shape they need to be in. The Bleriot's rear wheel is fixed now, but I need to ensure that the brakes are good and centered. The Blueridge has a little wobble in the rear wheel so that needs to be mended. I haven't been on the LHT in a while, but both brakes need tweaking and it needs a post-work year cleaning. The Crosscheck was not appropriately tended to after a snow/slush ride back a ways, so its drivetrain in sad. I'm just a bad owner. AND the more I get away from lycra and cleats the more I like to just jump on a bike and ride without so many of the rituals. Just Ride. So that brought me to the fixie in shorts, tshirt and sandals. BUT I really don't like the fixie's cockpit interface. Don't know if it's angle or seat or faux 'stache bars and bar height or just my fat ass not wanting to bend over as much, but the fixie isn't all that comfy. I rode, ran into a crowd I know from school. Talked to them a while, and came home. 5 total and I'm satisfied with that.
Once I came home I did a little bike maintenance, ironically on the one bike right now that's functional, the fixie. I decided to change bars to some flat bars that came with the LHT originally. I know there is some confusion with stem circumference, being either the road bar or mt. bar standard. This bar fit. I had a further problem in that I couldn't get the brake hoods loose-end (is that right, loose-end/loosend??) from the 'stache bars without the cable being completely slack. The cable runs right in front of the hex nut that tightens the bars. I'm still a bit confused. So I took the cables off and switched bars. Now I have a fixie with a flat bar, two brakes mounted, and no cables or levers to work them. I'm going to get the Bleriot 100% today- that's the mount I seem to like the most these days for obvious reasons-, and then deal with this fixie brake issue. Unlike the hipster kids, I need at least one brake.
And Mexico over Brazil 2-0? I watched the first half and after the first 15 Brasil couldn't get anything going. And this a Mexico team that lost to the US over the weekend, and were legit outplayed in the 2nd half. strange.
I always have some type of maintenance that is overdue. It comes with the territory. I wonder what people who only own one bike do with all their free time?
I know the feeling about bike maint. I have been thining about cleaning my bikes for three weeks. Any day now.
I have never been a fan of Brazil and always considered their so called mystique, very over rated.
The US has a shot at this thing. Twellman could really make a mark for himself. He is way over due.
I am down to two bikes. One for everything road (commuting, my first ever century this past weekend, general road rides) and one for off road. They both have flat pedals for ease of use. Less choices and less reasons (i.e. don't feel like putting on my shoes, etc.) not to ride.
I used to just have one bike, but I hated switching back and forth between tires. For me, having two bikes solves a problem and having three starts introducing them.
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