Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Date: Aug 14 Tues
Mileage: 18 (9.2.5. fixie)
August mileage: 66
Year to date: 1379

For all my negativism, i feel pretty proud of my ride today. With the front wheel of the LHT still flat, I changed over to the fixie for today's commute, adding the seat-post rack and one light. With the change to flat bar with cork grips and new seat, it has proven to be a much more comfy ride, as stated. It also served me as a good, stable, fun commuter mount. I'm still enchanted with my flash of brilliance to put the little clip-on blinkie on the lattice work of my helmet. Now i have a light that is at the driver's eye line, and i think it shoots a little left as well, to warn those turning in to the road. Brilliant!

this p.m. i ran across 'sheryl' and rode home with her for the first time in a long time. she has a very, let's say, particular personality which i can take in small doses. as usual she babbled on about weight and her fitness and her hard body, blah blah, yadda yadda. BUT it was fun to have some company on the commute instead of going solo.

i ended up with 10m+ in the afternoon, going via 'sheryl's neighborhood and then turning towards the park. I took on golf course hill, Hogan's Fnt. hill and Chauffeur's rest on the fixie, which is a first. that last hill proved a little steep, but i didn't stop, so boffo for me!

and finally, i haven't fixed the LHT front tire b/c it's the Dynohub wheel, so requires a bit extra care- no quick-release, dynohub connections, dynohub connections, dyno...get my drift?

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