Sunday, August 05, 2007

No Memory

Wow, bummer! we returned home last night from our big Florida vacation adventure, the first "real" vacation is numerous years. this a.m. i went about downloading pics off of my digital. mind you, the wife, L and a waterproof cam all retain pics of the adventure, but this a.m. my camera wouldn't download. "wrong format" or some shit like that. and this afternoon my cam told me "no memory". sounds like a real fuckup. and it is. I worked for a while to restore something, but for the first time with a digital cam, i lost everything. again, there are other digital vestiges of this trip, but mine are gone. and that's a bummer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a bummer. We're slow on the tech bandwagon for that -- I gave Dan a digital camera a year ago, but we need a bigger memory card, which he hasn't bought, so it just sits in a box. On the plus side, it means we haven't had any nightmares like losing all our pics...

Glad you're all back safe and sound.

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