Date: Sept 8 Sat
Mileage: 9.5 (Bleriot)
September mileage: 9.5
Year to date: 1417
I just had to had to get out, just OUT! I had mowed the yard and taken it is rather easy and I just need to move again after 3 weeks of absolutely friggin' nothing. I pumped up the GranBois and went on the slowest, mildest ride I possible could. The ankle felt about 50% so I never once put any real effort on it. And the ticker, well, i certainly didn't juice the Lactate Threshold to gauge my latest VO2 Max. I just went on flat barrio streets and strolled along, trying to keep the heart rate as comfy as possible. The only real, I'll call it, shimmer is an occasional feeling of being light-headed, but it's only a glimpse, a fleeting notion. As I stated in the previous post, I don't know if it's real or if I'm gun shy, but I'm damn gun shy. But I rode.
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