Monday, October 22, 2007

A Cantaros

Date: Oct 22 Mon
Mileage: 12 (LHT)
October mileage: 355
Year to date: 1956
Temps: 60/mega-rain in p.m.

Damn, that was as hard a rain I've been in lately. I'm mostly a fair-weather commuter, in that I don't usually ride TO work in the rain, but will gladly do so going home. Today's forecast was rain in the a.m., but temps warming to mid 70s. By the time to ride home, it was only 60F, the same as the morning, but raining buckets, and I was very unprepared. Riding home in those cool temps I had cycling shorts, shoes with not-heavy wool sox (pretend bellweather wool), a REI jersey and a thin windbreaker, no gloves, no hat. I did end up wearing a grocery bag under my helmet, which helped a bunch. I got home utterly soaked to the core. I think the muscles were tightening up toward the end there. I would have benefited enormously from a rain cape and some gloves of some type, but alas.

Tomorrow is calling for more of the same. Sitting here tonight I'm not so sure I'm ready for fully-soaked battle tomorrow a.m. On top of that, there's lots of home remodeling stress. It hasn't rained for 4 months in KY, but of course the 2nd week they start our kitchen project it rains, no, pours and pours. Part of the new roof is now shingled, but the other smaller portion is just board and felt paper. Yes, that felt paper can hold for a bit, but I'm really afraid there is underlying water damage on our new roof. Damn, that sucks SO much. The good wife is double stressed b/c she's got more stuff to clean up and we lose appreciable use of our kitchen any day when they begin to take the old ceiling down. Exhaustion for all just around the bend.

1 comment:

amidnightrider said...

I guess calling you lucky is kind of oxymoron-ish huh?

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