Date: Nov 25 Sun
Mileage: 20 (Crosscheck)
November mileage: 396
Year to date: 2444
A very satisfying ride this afternoon on the 'cross bike under threat of rainy skies. I needed to do a non-epic ride, but a ride nonetheless. It seems that I often get little mileage on the weekends b/c of other commitments. Today I took the Crosscheck out for a meander and some actually 'cross riding, although I didn't ride that hard. The first trail I took on was one of the Cherokee Trails leading towards the Presby Seminary towards Maple. I like that one. It leads uphill in a circuitous path, but isn't too terribly difficult. After that I took on the paved Beargrass Creek Trail. I seem to have spent alot of time on that lately. After passing by the riverfront and city boat dock, I turned my attention towards the RiverRoadCC, which is the site of the previously blogged Nat'l 'Cross Cup. They're apparently gearing up for the State Chmps next weekend, so there seem to be a myriad of path/trail/obstacle options. I approximated my mileage, but I took full advantage of the many paths and sandtraps found there. I only undertook 1 run-up. As I said, I wasn't "training", so I chose to avoid any ankle-turn potential. I spent a good while there and came home via Mockingbird, Pennsylvania and Stilz. I did one more trail, the one leading from Seneca across the bridge and towards the golf course. I thought I heard ghostie bike sounds behind me on that path but attributed it to my own bike. Only when I was exiting did I see taht another mtbike dude has been following me. Hope I didn't slow him down too much, b/c I was on the 'cross bike and wasn't exactly attacking the trail.
Got home. nothing broken on me or bike and November mileage creeping up. Feeling some fitness in the legs, to be honest.
Sounds like a lovely break. Isn't it nice to get a break from school?
No photos again? pehh! 8>)
next time MR.
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