Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Date: Dec 5 Wed
Mileage: 16 (LHT)
December mileage: 16
Year to date: 2518

First time I've ridden since last Wednesday, for some odd reason. Thursday we had family business right after work. I could've made it happen, but it would've been rushed and stressful. Friday I went out with friends after work. I should've ridden. Saturday and Sunday I am some stomach distress. Never fun on the bike. Monday...yadda yadda.

I've not been too inspired to write. I don't think anybody reads the blog that much, save a nice person in Philly, a good mug in Bowling Green and some other interesting bikers out and about, all who do more mileage than I.
  • been trying to get back into some Buddhism a bit. a couple mornings of sitting. some podcasts and reading.
  • house is stressful but better. insulation and siding in place. drywall coming soon. we still have a leak that going to have to be dealt with. We paid them $1800 to fix it, so they'll fix it hood or crook.
  • LHT is still great.
  • weight has been steady for a month. I lost about 15lbs in Sept and Oct when all the health issues hit, but November was a push. I have to get back to keeping my food journal and keeping away from the pinche galletas y helados.
  • I hate to shop for furniture, and even more, flooring.
  • Xmas time is coming, and the good wife and are aren't exchanging this year. We're buying flooring and furniture instead.
  • work is busy. I often wonder if other jobs- noneducational in nature- experience the ebbs and flows that teaching does.
  • I'm considering giving in to the man and starting the administrative track. More than anything I'm motivated by a $25,000 pay raise, and as importantly, I can now see that another 17 yrs in the same classroom situation will get pretty boring. I'm not a thrill-seeker, but I've probably done mostly what I can accomplish in the classroom, so a new challenge was come. I'm not so sure I can do the admin thing though. Many principals (assts too) seem so, I don't know, so bureaucratic and disinterested in education. Paper-pushers ad infinitum.
  • I didn't make my November 500mile goal, but I'm pretty far along towards breaking my 2006 mileage. December better be time to get enough miles in to do that.
Today was quite strange. The forecast was rain/snow and low 30s all day. Instead, I rode to school with neoprene sox and gloves ready for wet and it was dry and 43F. This afternoon, as regions 200miles from the 'Ville received snow we stayed dry but the temps dropped to 32F with a 20-25mph wind coming in from the north. I just put my head down, got in the drops and rode hard to stay warm. mission accomplished, though.


Doug said...

Hey, I read your blog everyday. It's probably because you have cool bikes.

The helmet mounted light is a Princeton Tec Eos. It's surprisingly bright. I found out about it from Kent Peterson. I like having a second light in case my handlebar light goes dead. And you can aim it any direction you please. Specially at cars to insure they see you.

LvilleTex said...

thanks for that info. to be honest, i read the Kent Peterson info a while ago too. Looks like a good idea.

And thanks for reading. One day I'll do the same mileage as you in a month. One Day.

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