Date: Dec 11 Tues
Mileage: 13 (Crosscheck)
December mileage: 90
Year to date: 2592
As much as I want to wax poetic about my ride this morning, I instead will do other things to develop myself instead of blabbering at the computer this p.m. That said, I woke up too early- 4.45a.m.- to visit the WC and couldn't go back to sleep. I had to pick the boys up from school, so I couldn't commute. Solution? I got on the Crosscheck at 5.20 and took a 1-hour-ish spin in Cherokee/Seneca. I unfortunately don't have words to describe the ethereal fog and mist that I rode through. You can imagine a scene out of LotR, with backlit woods and fog, making each and every tree pop out like sentinels. I could imagine a Black Rider or Aragon on horseback on the ridge preparing for battle. At my fav Dog Hill I couldn't see the trees across the vallecito. Visibility for cards at least was maybe 1/2 mile. It even rained on me towards the end, but I didn't mind. A great ride and great time to reflect, w/ no traffic, no iPod, no interference but the turning of the wheel(s).
I also visited the LBS, but that's for another day. Peace.
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