Yep, another Afib this afternoon. I'm just waiting it out to see if it's gone. It feels that way right now. Factors? I had coffee this morning (several hours before episode). I haven't slept the last 2 nights on my Cpap machine. I lost part of the power cord in NYC, but the new one arrived today. I had a very poor night's sleep last night, so, man, did 2 nights sleep w/out the machine- thereby presupposing lots of apnea- cause such a thing? Can't I just pull a LFoaB and drop 80lbs? Would that help? I know the extra weight is a direct causative agent of the sleep apnea. If I return to sleeping normally, perhaps the Afib will go away. I've struggled with weight issues since I was cognizant of being heavy when I was 8 or 9. I just eat and eat. Strangly, well, not strangly, when I ride more it makes me ravenous. That isn't the least bit strange, but it is quite the Catch-22. Exercise more/Don't lose weight b/c you're so f@#$#g hungry from riding 50m.
I'm bummed and frustrated, although it seems my episode has gone away. Many people live with many episodes, so no reason to be glum, but I am so much less in control of my own health and well-being than I should be. I AM in control, but that creepy little imp on my shoulder certainly seems to have the upper hand in this one. And skinny people who have always been skinny have no clue. Actually, maybe the skinny people with their own addictions have a clue. Right? The smokers, gamblers, drunks, shoppers. Just put the ice cream down. ARGGHHH!!
I'm bummed and frustrated, although it seems my episode has gone away. Many people live with many episodes, so no reason to be glum, but I am so much less in control of my own health and well-being than I should be. I AM in control, but that creepy little imp on my shoulder certainly seems to have the upper hand in this one. And skinny people who have always been skinny have no clue. Actually, maybe the skinny people with their own addictions have a clue. Right? The smokers, gamblers, drunks, shoppers. Just put the ice cream down. ARGGHHH!!
I have a stress test tomorrow myself (before next week's echo and checkup). I know how difficult these heart conditions are. I hope the cpap helps and that you feel better soon...
thanks for the WW word. I've heard good things before about that.
Anyway Sarah and I went on a pretty successful diet together. No crazy diet, just eating fewer calories and eating healthier. I can give you more details if you want.