Thursday, July 03, 2008


Date: July 3 Thurs
Mileage: 5.5(9.2.5.)
July mileage: 58.5
Year to date: 1042.5

The boys and I took a little neighborhood ramble through Seneca Gds to Cherokee para see part of the Masters Nats. We saw a tandem race, one that was sort of confusing b/c there were man/man, woman/woman and man/woman. (I could make comments here, but it's a family blog). The groups were dispersed across the course, so I never knew who was in front, but we were perched on a hill I often ride in Cherokee, so it was nice to see real cyclists climb for a change. After a brief bit of viewing we took on a short section of a mtbike trail, all downhill. I'm pretty sure it was the first time they've been on a "real" trail. They had a good enough time that we'll have to go again. I was on the fixie with 30c tires, so that made for an interesting way down. I had a confrontation with a kid/young man/asshole on the way home. He cut the corner at a stop sign. I yelled. He yelled back. I yelled more and used some colorful language offering him the opportunity to "dialogue". I'm a pretty non-violent guy, but when assholes threaten my kids' safety, I'm ready to bar brawl with the best of them. I should have remained calm and gotten his plate; that would've been the best thing to do to set an example for the boys. Live and learn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You deleted what was on earlier, I notice. It confused me for a minute.

It's hard to be a good example. My son has taken to calling many drivers "stupid," for instance, because I so often call other drivers that. (Better than what I used to call them, but not good.) I have occasionally been able to point out that it's not helpful for me to call them stupid, and sometimes they're lost, or something's wrong with their car. (Most often they're talking on a cell phone and driving erratically because of that, and I have also pointed out to my son that it's a really bad idea to talk on a phone while driving. By the time he can drive, it will probably be illegal's already illegal in NJ.)

Anyway, glad you had a good time with them, and don't worry too much about losing your cool. Your kids also know you're human. :-)

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