Saturday, July 26, 2008

NY p.1

The boys and I are back from our NY adventure, a little tired, a little overwhelmed, but firmly grounded in the reality of 3 things, that I haven't been on a bike in a good while, that I haven't taken a "real" ride in 2 weeks, and that work/school starts very soon.

I'm in a funk, as I'm apt to be in on occasion. A good bike ride and a regular routine would/will probably help. We have to hire a new principal soon and I have the "good" fortune of being on the committee to do it. It's quite stressful, with everybody calling/emailing their vaunted opinions. Hey, I'm just a Spanish teacher. Thusly, I expect a school opening fraught with stress, intrigue and confusion, but my regular life already has that, so...


Anonymous said...

You guys went to NYC, or NY state? If you went to NYC, you should have let me know -- we could have met you up there at some point.

As for the new principal, good luck. I'm sure they put you on there as a calm voice of reason amongst shriller voices!

Doug said...

From what I can tell from your bog, you seem most happy and at peace when you get out and ride. Before the NY trip you seemed to be getting in some really good rides. I think you need to get out on a bike every chance you get! (Like I should be doing instead of sitting here reading blogs)

Alabama Sky Day 3 Vistas

We began Day 3 with a basic breakfast at the restaurant, again better than camp cooking a salt bomb,and bundled up for a long descent in th...