Saturday, July 19, 2008


I just found that I've been tagged by 'Sconny. He seemed to have tagged in and around when we lost our old computer to pre-teen tampering, so...

First, the background.

1. Post the rules of the game at the beginning.

2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.

3. At the end of the post, the player then tags five people and posts their names.

4. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer.

5. Create an arbitrary rule to keep with the whole fives theme.

What were you doing 5 years ago?

Let's see...The boys were 7.5 and 4. That was 2003. I have no clue. I assume I had gotten back from a trip abroad and I really, really don't know. My life hasn't changed immeasurably from then, other than that the boys are older and present new delights and challenges. Same job. Same house. Same friends. I guess I added some bikes in there, but I was riding to work. I played a little more softball. My tennis team was good but not great. Not much different, but I take that as a positive.

What are five things on your to-do list for today?

  1. Ride
  2. Switch tires on CC and Blueridge
  3. water tomatoes
  4. doing some cycling-related laundry
  5. play tennis with the boys

What are five snacks you enjoy?

**(I noticed 'Sconny had much healthier options here.)

  1. Cheez-itz

  2. PB and crackers

  3. banana

  4. More cheez-itz

  5. liquid bread, preferably Guiness

What are five things you would do if you were a billionaire?

  1. hire a chef and personal trainer and lose weight.

  2. buy a beach home on the Spanish coast.

  3. buy a mountain home in VA/NC.

  4. donate lots and lots of it to organizations that support sustainable living and the environment.

  5. buy a huge chunk of land in KY and put a conservancy on it to create a great public place where no suburbs will ever be built.

What are five of your bad habits?

  1. eat too much

  2. waste excessive time on the computer reading blogs and crap. If I took the same time and and actually did those things I would have an amazing life.

  3. mean to people, although i don't think that's a habit; it just happens when i'm sleepy and grumpy

  4. procrastinate and waste time

  5. imagine bike trips and accomplishments without actually doing them. I'm the best "virtual" cyclist in the world.

What are five places where you have lived?

Interestingly, this is complicated b/c I've lived in lots of places, but not many since becoming an adult, so I'm starting with most recent and going backwards.

  1. house in Highlands in Louisville, KY

  2. apartment on Southern Pkwy in Louisville

  3. dorm in Lexington, KY

  4. house in suburban/rural West Chester, PA

  5. house in very suburban Chesterfield (St. Louis), MO

What are five jobs you’ve had?

  1. High school teacher
  2. busboy and server at same restaurant
  3. maintenance/grounds at summer outdoor theater
  4. law firm runner
  5. did phone reports in insurance call center (boy, that one was fun)
that's it. I'll have to find some people to tag. I'm sure they'll be happy about it.




Midnight Rider


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